Plugins Agregadores de RSS

Como confirmado pelo @jpmehl, o tema Quizumba será o primeiro tema onde testaremos a comunicação compartilhada. Encontrei uma lista de plugins para conteúdo distribuído que pode ser útil, mas ainda não testei nenhum deles. Aqui abaixo listo alguns:

Syndicate Press

Syndicate Press lets you include RSS, RDF or Atom feeds directly in your WordPress Posts, Pages, Widgets or anywhere in your theme. Syndicate Press features an easy to use admin page and includes great features such as feed caching, filters and numerous display options.

Push Syndication

Push syndication plugin helps users to manage posts across multiple sites. It’s very useful when managing posts in different platforms like a blog or a standalone WordPress install. It scales very well and with a single click you can push a post to more than 100 sites of different platform. Currently blogs and standalone WordPress blogs are supported and we have plans to extend it to other platforms as well.

O bom desse aqui é que foi desenvolvido pela Automattic.


FeedWordPress is an Atom/RSS aggregator for WordPress. It syndicates content from feeds that you choose into your WordPress weblog; the content it syndicates appears as a series of special posts in your WordPress posts database. If you syndicate several feeds then you can use WordPress’s posts database and templating engine as the back-end of an aggregation (“planet”) website.

Syndicate Out

Syndicate Out syndicates all posts made in a specified category (or optionally all posts) to any other WordPress blog(s) in real time. This enables blog owners to create automatic aggregating, or topic specific blogs from any number of different blog sources without relying on RSS feeds or any kind of timed events. Put simply: it re-posts the content of one blog to one or more other blogs.

Precisamos definir qual usar meio logo. Alguém se habilita a testar as brincadeiras também?